== What I have learnt today ==

Things seems finally getting together

I am a bit excited.

I have been wandering and straying during my way of learning C++. On and off I feel at a lost somehow. I have tried to explore different use cases and code bases of C++ projects. 10 C++ open source projects welcoming contributions says ClickHouse is one of them. It is a database project that unlike any other relational databases that I have learnt back to school. Learning C++ and another database paradigm, sounds cool.

My next step was trying to build it. I have tried a few platforms and Linux seems to be the reliable one, may it be aarch64 o intel. The code base is quite large and beyond my control. So the next step is to take a look at another database.

SQLite appears in my radar but I quickly forget about it because it is C and it is SQL. I want to try something embeddable and in C++. Then I find Rocks DB. It is a key-value pair data storage engine. I am taking it semantically a beefed up tuple in C++ or map in Go. I hope I am right.

After glancing through the examples directory, I can quickly have a small working example that can insert and display some key values. That is interesting. I can take a look and thinker around it to learn some C++.

Another surprise is that, rocks DB is one of the contributing git submodules. Wow, that means whatever I am gonna learn in the future can be helpful to my foray into ClickHouse. That is good.