== What I have learnt today ==

Embeded SQLite in my little C++ program

Embedding the enitre SQLite into C++ program is easier than I think. I have basically followed the demo code of RobertoChapa.

I put everything under the subdirectory db. Then I created a subdirectory sqlite for SQLite. In sqlite, it contains the amalgamated zip file of the source code, the amalgamated source code sqlite3.c, the header file sqlite3.h. These are the two main files to interface with the entire SQLite.

This is my directory tree:

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── README.md
├── demo.cpp
└── sqlite
    ├── shell.c
    ├── sqlite-amalgamation-3440000.zip
    ├── sqlite3.c
    ├── sqlite3.h
    └── sqlite3ext.h

The content of CMakeLists.txt:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)
set(include_directories sqlite)
set(MYPROGRAM_FILES sqlite/sqlite3.c)
 add_executable(db demo.cpp ${MYPROGRAM_FILES})
 add_executable(dbsh sqlite/shell.c ${MYPROGRAM_FILES})

I have added another target called dbsh for the shell interface. It can be a very handy utility for verifying the content of the demo database. It can be thought as dbu back in the Clipper Summer ‘87 days.

When I was reading Professional C++ by Marc Gregoire, I input the Employer database program at the end of chapter 1. It is just a program illustrating the characteristic of C++. It cannot store the results, that is, the employee database, on the hard disk. So I have to input from scratch each time I run the program. Adding a secondary solution is the next thing to do. I stopped there as it might be an advanced topic for me. But now it is easier than I think, luckily.

I have forayed into database nevertheless, how about go a bit further? Let’s say can we embed a NoSQL database? After some research here and here, it seems that it is possible. There are quite a lot to choose from. Initially I will take a closer look at either ObjectBox or RocksDB. The main reason is that both of them are in open source C++ projects. So looking into the code will definitely help my C++ learning journey. But before that, I need to have a solid grasp of some other basic C++ concepts. Templates and lambdas are two of them.